2019年12月9日 星期一

英文試 :PTE及OET備試及 題目參考

last update 13.1.2022
PTE http://pearsonpte.com/ 電腦改卷. . 朋友老公肥4次 ielts ,亦一take pass PTE.亦有其他朋友有類似經驗.
PTE reference website:
PTE 考試經驗分享(新足跡)
PTE 79+ 考試歷程 

2nd choice :OET 專for醫護人0既 Occupational English Test (OET)  https://www.occupationalenglishtest.org/ 香港每個月都有得考,費用比 International Englsih Language Testing System (IELTS) 貴一倍,但比較易. 我考咗4次IELTS都肥, OET 一 take pass.其他人亦有類似經驗.
不過亦聽過朋友0既朋友, 肥OET(ccbb), pass IELTS(8887). 如果你想考 IELTS的話,我朋友建
議報考 IDP https://www.idp.com/hongkong/ielts-hk,比British Council 好. 亦有人去泰國/台灣考 ielts.

合格成績為 OET 4 個 B 或 IELTS 4個 7 (我 IELTS speaking得 6, 但 OET speaking 攞 B).如果未能一take pass, 可以 combine半年0既成績, 但OET至少C, IELTS 至少6. 但注意combine 成績後, 過到 AHPRA 同ANMAC, 但你要計計自己申請移民夠唔夠分, 因為英文試一take 過, 起碼為申請visa 帶黎10分或以上.see

Australia Skilled Immigration Points Test Calculator

朋友指 OET 2.0 Listening同 Reading 都幾唔同
2018年9月 OET 有所改變

Tips for taking OET
1 Spelling for reading & writing DOES matter
NOT for listening
2 speaking 話唔考medical or nursing knowledge
it's not necessary for you to learn all diseases
BUT it's certainly a benefit for speaking somehow....
As you'll speak with more confidence & make the conversation more interactive!

我準備OET時間個幾月. 除咗做 test paper, 會上網睇下有關health 文章/video. 揾朋友幫我改文. 每日都會做 role play(有護士/教英文/英語比自己好0既幫忙,當然好啦. 無的話, 連我老公英文麻麻,我都會揾佢練.), 另外錄低,聽返自己有咩可改善.

9 apr 2016
My speaking scenario 1
setting: community health Fu.an elderly discharged from hospital after pneumonia.she live alone. Stay at home most of the time. 1.Assess her coping. Medication: Ab tid with meal, aspirin daily.
2 ask about exercise.refer physiotherapy if necessary
3 assess if she manage cooking, washing etc. Refer home help

Scenario 2
Hospital day ward
Pt will have surgery. GA NEED INTUBATION.She has nail polish
1. Ask when she fast
2. Ask allergies,denture, SOB, exercise, difficulty walking stairs, smoking
pt unwilling to remove denture, explain to her
3. Remove jewellery / glass/ contact lens
TELL risk of injuries and INTUBATION

Listening: contraceptives

7 oct 2017(朋友提供)
Listening is about tonsillitis n leukemia
Writing is different from the past paper
Writing a referral letter from a gp's nurse to a day surgery center for the arrangement of colonoscopy
Talking With a mother of 4year boy who is undergrowth in a clinic
Talking with an old man about his ulcer dressing during home visit

4 nov 2017(朋友提供)
Writing: Cellulitis with ulcer, ward nurse refer to clinic nurse for ulcer Mx

Speaking: 1) 有位男士knee受傷有wound,要說服佢停止exercise,同一d wound care
2) 有位老人家fracture左,教佢cast care,同要留意d乜咁

1. Extraction of worm, infection care
2. BPPV and postural vertigo, provides education

Listening: about HIV

13.1.2018 (網友提供)
1)同我2016 Scenario 2 相同
2) ask a man who lost weight and became weak in few months to consult doctor and make an appointment for hm

11.2.2018  (網友提供)
1) you are a nurse in school clinic, a student has fungal skin infection. Explain what is it and persuade her to tell to her parent. Suggests other treatment or management.
2) you are a community nurse, a  patient has received the RT. Explain the side effects and reassure the cancer not to be permanent.
3. A man underwent a total hip surgery. Explain the care and the need to stay in rehabilitation hospital.
4n A man who are scheduled a hernia repair surgery two months later n I need to persuade him to stop smoking two months before the operation

 1. A 28-yr old accountant newly diagnosed type 1 DM
Shocked abt the diagnosis
Explain DM
And teach her how to inject the insulin by herself
2  A man undergone surgery for #right humerous, worrying abt wound care and dressing change after discharge
3. 50/M, flashing light in right eye, attend A&E, worrying abt retinal detachment.... Want dr to attend

4 One is a burn in right hand hand during working and the other is abdominal pain and waiting long in emergency department (Brisbane test center)

Writing: (網友提供,另外一位網友話,呢條 writing 題目同佢當年0既試題好似)
Referral letter to dietitian

Patient was diagnosed with moderate-high risk for coronary heart disease

**patient came to health center.
Family hx: alzheimer’s disease
Father- diabetes
Mother- hypertension

Smoker(since 17, 25c/day)
Personal assistance-office work

Medical hx: Hypertension- minopril 20mg given 2x daily
Hyperlipidaemia- pravastatin 20mg at nocte

On examination: bp 140/70 suggestive of hypertension
High cholesterol
No regular exercise, no sports activity, no recreational activity
Obese BMI is 27

FBG ? - diabetes
Recommend to monitor diet
Encourage exercise program(walk x 30min x 5 times/week)
Weight loss(Ideal weight is 58kg BMI - 25)

Nsg Mgnt: recommend for FBG level tomorrow and local doctor to check results
Refer dietitan r/ diet, exercise, quit smoking.

Reading part A : MRSA
diabetes - self management and education
Hospital building - setting / planning

Part a : hypertension pt and his worries ( middle age)
B: radiotherapy

Listening part A: consultation for a patient with high blood glucose and cholesterol
Part B: trauma and fracture

Reading part B article 1: health care in remote and rural area
Article 2: the relationship between a kind of disease( scurvy) and Vit C

Writing: a 18-yr old boy who has experienced a chest trauma while playing football. I am the A&E nurse, write a letter to the surgical ward nurse and mention abt the boy’s history, clinical findings, treatment and care plan

1. Patient forgot to withhold warfarin before surgery
2. Baby with GERD
3 Pt after trauma
Y the nurse not assess her leg first
But check her vital sign
4.sunburn and skin cancer (Brisbane test centre)
5. Superficial burn(Brisbane test Centre)

Listening partA: dentist interview a woman who suffer from jaw pain

Writing: write a referral letter to cardiac rehab nurse for a woman who has undergone PCI

OET speaking 1, a patient with pacemaker done. Found blister at wound site, skin allergic to tape. Patient suspected that it is a wound infection and requested antibiotic, treating by using low allergic and none adhesive tap 2, a patient with type 2 DM, no regular blood sugar checking, complain of visual deterioration even wearing reading glasses. Suggest him to seek for medical assessment in case of any further visual deteriration 3, an elderly patient with venous ulcer, encouraging him to wear compression stocking to promote venous return and advance wound healing. The patient refused the stocking 4, an old lady with COPD. The nurse is talking to her husband to refer the client to nursing home 5, a home visit for wound management 6, teach a discharged patient how to perform self catheterization

blog 友 writing 報過OET online https://oetonline.net.au/
https://oetworkshop.com/ writing course ( teacher Jan).
  https://www.e2language.com/  網友讚 speaking course, 但 writing 麻麻.

Speaking 我揾Vikki 練,佢係英國人,英語教師.由於學生黎至世界各地,佢平時都係 Skype教學. instagram account @englishwithvikki

Youtube 有唔少 OET 有用資料.
第一次考 OET就上手
2016 OET 職業英文考試經驗分享(针對寫作
OET 寫作B (2016雪梨考塲)
OET 聽說讀寫準備篇 

希望大家考完, 分享下你地0既 test questions. 祝一take pass!

2019年12月7日 星期六

澳洲揾工, 面試

last update 30.10.2022

可能係香港揾護士工作, 太容易吧. 我宜家確實覺得係澳洲揾工有難度. 睇返 <小編來解答---工作好不好找?>, 家陣澳洲揾護士工作真係大不如前. 2017五月時遇到個菲律賓護士, 佢由Canberra 搬黎Brisbane, 因為係Sunshine Coast 揾到工, 佢話自己send 咗成百封求職信, 爭0的想上門叩門.邊度揾到工, 我就去邊度啦.

揾工方面: 如果你揾老人院工作, 比較易揾. Brisbane 好多醫院同Agency要求一年本地經驗. NSW同Victoria 相對容易. 

我知澳洲好著重 referencing. 幾年前朋友係澳洲 working holiday, 揾我做referee. 個澳洲nursing Agency打長途電話黎香港,問我野, 幾認真. 早前我係 seek.com見到 Nursing Agency HealthX post 有份醫院工,咪apply lor. HealthX 個staff 電話interview 咗兩次. 今日打比我, 話我 referee email 0既回覆太簡單. 澳洲求職要求寫0既野好鬼多. Referee 佢地通常要求係以前0既上司, 雖然我以前 NO, SRN都好好, 肯做我referee, 但希望快D 揾到工啦, 煩到佢地, 唔好意思.

另外揾工期間見到 ,澳洲護士人工可以睇下呢個表, 仲有大家關心0既人工 Queensland Health Nursing Wage Rates
Queensland , New South Wales人工較 Victoria 同 South Australia 高
醫院同老人院人工較 clinic 高

有間nursing agency interview 問題如下:
1. 7 rights (我答以前學0既3 check 5 right), 佢講多咗樣 right to refuse
2.  What would you do if a patient complain of chest pain
3. As a team leader
4. what motivate you as a nurse
5 what difficulty to expect

唔知係咪我表現差, agency 無晒聲氣. 其他agency 連in 0既機會都無, 因為有0的寫明要有一年澳洲nursing 經驗. 經過呢四星期 job hunting, 感覺 QLD  揾工最難, 好快被turn down, 或被要求好多文件. NSW 只係要求面試前要有 Working with Children Check . Victoria 感覺最易. 今日skype interview 咗 Melbourne 醫院, 題目如下:
1. 識用咩equipment . 知唔知wound suction unit
2. 對該醫院0既認識
3  chest pain scenario, TNG
4. surgical scenario, pt with open cholecystectomy, drop BP, increased drainage....fluid challenge, blood transfusion
5. preference of specialty
6 why apply to xx hospital
7 difference in practice between aus and hk
8. what support do u expect from us when you start to work
9. how to deal with difficult patient
10. how to deal with conflict with coworker
11. how u work in a team
12 how you handle a OSH issue
13. you work with a senior registered nurse. seem that she's not following the care plan and you did most of the work. what would you do
14, scenrio: At the same time 1. your manager asked to you to send to patient to radiology 2. a patient prone to fall 3 another patient complained of chest pain. What would you do
15. experience of making a difference of a patient

a healthscope hospital
3,how to deliver fall / hygiene guideline
4. If workload overload, how you manage it
5, What is the role of a RN
6,how to maintain the work life balance
7 how to manage the patient complaint

public hopsital Emergency Department
analphylaxis protocol

2 acfi
3 how u manage if u found a resident hurt
4 what is royal commission, acfi, accrediting standard, reportable and non reportable assault

Rehab Ward
1. why you apply for this position
2. how do you deal with conflict with colleagues
3 how would you deal with difficult patients e.g aggressive
4. what is role of rehab nurse
5 . Who involve in team meeting
6 who are involved in multidiscipinary team
7 what your education need
8 give an example of OHS hazard and how you deal with it
9 describe your work in a team

Royal Melbourne Hospital ward
分享下嗰個specialty 嘅經驗,
有冇處理covid cases 嘅經驗,
過去一年有冇做過乜contribute 到自己career pathway,
分享preceptorship 嘅經驗,
有咩strength & weaknesses
如果俾你揀一種super power, 會揀乜

2019年10月23日 星期三

澳洲nursing agency + 工作分享

Last update 2.1.2024

建議大家開工前, 上 ebay 訂定個 Nurse Pouch Pocket/ bag .印象中三日左右收到. 初初開工無佢, 好唔方便. 反正工作需要, 第時可退稅.
See Nurses claiming work related expense

(Melbourne)2017八月初我係 Knox private hospital 返咗四個 shift. 非常惡做, 頂唔順, 辭職. 每次我同澳洲護士講開呢間醫院, 佢地都話惡做, 好多Agency nurse. 估唔到澳洲醫院咁差. 我覺得佢地 practice 都好求其. 相比我地香港 nursing 做得好好多. 不過我係澳洲工作0既護士朋友叫我唔好咁認真, "認真便輸了",要洗咗香港0個套. ok 我試著去學做一個澳洲護士.

 我係knox private做 full time返過A同p. 頭兩日唔計人頭(叫做 buddy shift) . 一更睇5-6 cases. 比例好正吧. 偶而有學生, 感恩. 平時一腳踢(餵餐, obs, 倒袋....), 懷念香港有HCA. 我幫阿婆阿伯沖涼/轉身, 要用電腦一個 orderly 0既system , 等一個無medical knowledge 0既assistant 幫我手轉,佢地係唔會抺. 病人藥瑣係patient bedside, 好多stock med. 揾葯好浪費時間, 0的野好亂.藥櫃0的瑣匙, 成日唔見, 唔夠key, 極唔方便. 護士質素參齊. 交更呢, history自己睇交更紙. 初初聽完交更, 都覺得自已唔係好識個case咁.

11/8/17 登記 nursing agency. 12/8/2017 已經有工開. 工作機會好多.
我登記 Angels nursing agency http://www.angelsnursing.com.au/   (中國人 run , 唔建議)
好處 : 我估佢太要人, 應該無揾我D referee
1. 要我比 Aud 200 讀 CPR and first aid (自己報慳返aud 20). 其他 agency 有免費online study
2. 壓價, 話我無澳洲本地驗.壓到得 RN starting .我emal工會反映, 不過工會話, agency自由定價,比到starting 我係合法.
另外Angels 會推介你比 Aud 500 老人院舍 training, 做 volunteer.  train 完, 可以係院舍好多工作喎.

朋友登記 Australia Nursing Agency 收$50 for registration and uniform

識人登記咗 Aktapid http://aktrapid.com.au/
好處: CPR 網上做題目就可以. Rate 聽聞比 Angels 好.

Working holiday 時我做過mediserve AIN https://www.mediserve.com.au/
要準備幾多文件e.g. working with children check , immunisation record, statement of service (計返香港工作時數, 所以建議大家係香港離職前,叫人事部係Certificate of Service 寫埋每週工作時數), 做 online training 等
又係登記, 第日就有工開. 計返晒我香港經驗. 平日hourly rate 比 Angels多 aud10
但網友係Brisbane 同Sydney,bad experience with Mediserve

同事朋友推介以下nursing agency:  Belmore, Your Nursing Agency(YNA) 同 Health care Australia

但Health care Australia要求每星期至少返兩更
2/2019我係 Newcastle登記 Programmed Health Professionals, 無問書, staff妤nice.比咗成三套制服.上網報更. 可以填我Referral, Member Id 65422. 搬去第二個 state唔使再登記.

QLD nursing agency

2017 我登記 qld nursing agencies, 收到以下回應 In accordance with Queensland & Australian compliance it is a requirement that agency staff either have completed a total of 988 hours within the relevant field or 2 clinical placements.
無本地經驗 HCA ,RNS同 FIRST CHOICE, 唔使諗,因為要一年本地醫院經驗
可以試 mediserve(行政較混亂, 電話報定下星期availability, 非常無彈性)
我宜家做緊 the programmed health professional(my favorite, 網上報更, RATE比MEDISERVE好)

對比 Sydney 同 Melbourne nursing agency , 無需本地經驗,我朋友 working holiday 經 nursing agency 做過醫院/老人院工作

Rural nursing agencyhttps://www.kemprecruitment.com.au/

我主要返病房. see


 返過一次High care老人院 . 係老人院, 個supervisor, 自己派完個藥, 自己唔簽, 叫我簽.病人無藥, 就咁寫住無就算, 無人理

係澳洲工作有好有壞, 有忙有唔忙0既地方

建議大家 join 工會, union fee 可claim tax return 兼包保險.
Nurses Professional Association of Australia https://npaa.redunion.com.au/ $25 credit referral code: 

29769 or pb2ks2

2019年9月25日 星期三


last update  2.5.2021

宜家thru agency 去唔同病房工作.有時間, 就係屋企睇下張交更紙, google 下0的 short form, 藥, 問下朋友. 自學中.不過係醫院, IC聽完個 phone order, 自己唔寫, 叫我寫. . 有一次係某教學醫院, Day 1有人派過血壓葯比阿婆, Day 2 寫無葯, Day 3我揾唔到隻葯, 同 ic 講. ic 話佢血壓唔係好高,就算. 阿婆發我脾氣, 話自己食咗咁多年, 日日都食. 我咪fax 去葯房幫佢攞葯. 不過據經驗, stat 葯都成3-4 粒鐘先有. 有時我都替澳洲0的病人慘.

初初我曾經有念頭,唔想係度做nurse. 不過做住Agency, 責任相對唔大,開始習慣啦. 起碼有工作就好了.其實每日都好充實, 好多野可以學.

ACAS: Asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis study
ACCR: Aged Care client record
AKI: acute kidney injury
APDC: As per Drug Chart
ATOR: At Time of Report
CALD: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
CTPA: CT pulmonary angiogram
DT: drain tube

DWT: daily weight
FAC : Forearm crutches
FBE: Full blood Exam
FNC: Full nursing care
FWT: Full ward Test = Urine test by Multitix
GAMP: General Anesthetic and Manipulation of Plaster
GEM: Geriatric Evaluation Management
HFR: high fall risk
ICC: intercostal catheter
IDC: indwelling catheter= foley
LOMT: limitation of medical therapy
MCI: mild cognitive impairment
MPUF: modified pick up frame
MVA: motor vehicle accident
OP: osteoporosis
PAC: Pressure Area Care
PRC: permanent residential care
PVR: post Void residue 即係做 bladder scan
RACF: Residential aged care facility
RPAO: Routine Post Anaesthetic Orders
RTW: return to ward
SRS: Supported Residential Services
STML: Short term memory loss
STS (mobility): Sit-to-Stand
TCP: transition care program
TOV: trial of void
UE: Urea and Electrolyte
WBAT: Weight bearing as tolerated
WBBS: Whole body bone scan

FWD: Full ward Diet
LWD: soft diet, free from fat/ fibre
Vitamised diet= smooth, blend with nutir fluid

See Recommendations for terminology, abbreviationsand symbols used in medicines documentation

有樣同香港好唔同0既野, 就係 nurse intiated medication有 D地方nurse可以initiate lab or radiology test. oncology nurse 可initiate K supplement
度度唔同, 而我見最common 的如下
cough syrup
coloxyl with senna
gastrogel(antacid) 15ml

Chlorvescent.= potassium supplement
Colofac(mebeverine) for IBS
FESS: nasal spray

Klacid = clarithomycin
microlax= microenema
Movical = Marovic
Norspan(opioid) patch for pain
Noxicid= nexium
Prozac for depression
Somac= Panoprazole
Two Cal in drug chart 其實係milk supplement Ensure
Ural= cranberry powder
Zactin= Lovan  (contain Fluoxetine) for depression
去水丸叫water tablet

DD (S8) see 
Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons
Oxycontin (Oxycotin) controlled release

Oxycodone (brand name:Endone,)/oxynorm:  fast acting
tapentadol/ palexia
oxycodone and naloxone.

我係ward 其中一款 infusion pump: Infusomat 有興趣可以睇下點用

氧氣機 Airvo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hqQwy1X5ME

Sara Stedy Lift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp31cs9nrb8

Sara Plus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLGSGlX2jgM

澳洲多醉酒佬, 評估 Alcohol withdrawal Scale (AWS)

Dressing material


Aquacel Ag



Ceiling of care= no CPR

need a chaperone借眼

Crushing Guide for oral Medication

Crushing Problem

Diabetes Australia https://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/blood-glucose-monitoring

By Stroke Foundation https://informme.org.au/

2019年7月24日 星期三

澳洲住宿,保險, 電訊


Real Estate https://www.realestate.com.au/buy
Domain https://www.domain.com.au/
Gumtree https://www.gumtree.com.au/


https://flatmates.com.au/ (朋友覺得幾好用.我見供選擇0既住宿都幾多.不過想send direct message 比屋主要比咗錢先)

我初到Melbourne, 住Airbnb 先. 跟住透過 Real Estate, Domain等網站, 約睇 sharehouse 同無傢俬0既屋.後來透過 Agent 租咗間無傢俬0既屋, 係Facebook, Gumtree, 新足跡, Op shop等買二手傢具.

OVO Energy $75 credit

Tangerine NBN
$25 OFF first order referral code: SIU M3AFC5

用過boost mobile $150, 80GB, 1 year
我朋友襯官網有折, 再去officeworks match price 平多5% (即係去 officeworks show boost mobile 個網站, 因為officeworks保証最平)
佢比$128, 少我$22

當時$150> promotion $135 > Officewor $ 128 (beat price)

one year: 80G, unlimited local call and text, 1200 international min

或者經Cashrewards去boost mobile 買,有 6%cash back

Amaysim Mobile $10 credit

朋友建議我買Private health insurance,
 我用緊 medibank,因為有員工優惠
醫生朋友建議 HCF  and medibank ,因為claim 過程方便. 佢唔建議 bupa
亦有朋友建議 ahm
(2022 update)因為考慮緊 upgrade health insurance to cover cataract
我兩公婆宜家用緊 medibank corporate bronze with the Flexi 60 extras ( $229.95/month) with $500 excess.
if to cover cataract , Corporate Silver plus Hospital Established which with the Flexi 60 extras is $401.40 per month ($500 excess) , $389.50($750 excess)
discount rate for Healthscope 7% , Eastern Heath or Queensland Health 9%

參考 澳洲醫保

CTP(第三者傷亡責任保) 登記車時,已經強制買咗
第三者財物保 third part property
我用 AAMI https://www.aami.com.au/, claim 過,值得推介
亦有人推介Bingle https://www.bingle.com.au/, RACQ in QLD, RACV in Victoria

Car insurance companies has different ratings e.g. 1-6 for customers
 6 is the highest which means you have many driving experience..
but even you are rating 6,
but you crash the car at your fault and claim the insurance and will decrease one grade to 5, it has to wait about 2 years or so no accident then will go back to rating 6
different car model and suburb you live also different price too

[2022 update}我近來續車保
續 AAMI 的話 $2xx. 轉去 RACQ similar plan $18x
睇到網上 forum 分享
可能一間公司,幾張保單, 保費會平d

19/12/17 Melbourne 落冰雹,有乒乓波咁大. AAMI Comprehensive car insurance 都有提及cover Hail