媽咪幾緊張呢次旅行,鞭策細佬妹爸準備護照,網上申請簽証.問我訂好酒店未(個陣仲有成個月先出發).無綫 J2 冒險王播柬埔寨特輯,媽即刻打電話,叫細妹睇電視。媽有興趣去西哈努克0既沙灘,不過離首都金邊成四小時車程.今次應該唔會去.
20/6 0855-1030 坐港龍由香港飛到柬埔寨金邊
airport tax US$25
金邊(PP) 同 暹粒 reap 比香港慢一小時
The Phnom Penh International Airport sits about 9km (30-50 minutes) from the central Phnom Penh.Transportation into the city can be hired just outside the arrival lobby for set prices: $9 for a car taxi and $7 for a tuk-tuk
Asianventure tours: US$32/ minivan
由金邊到暹粒0既巴士公司有四間.朋友建議我搭 Mekong Express (豪華巴,價錢最貴,車內有洗手間)
朋友住過 lonely planet (midrange): Molly Malones Irish Pub and Guesthouse 唔嘈,好靜。好好,一行落街咩 都有得食,可以行到old market & night market
meters from the old market (Psar Chas) and craft shops, the Angkor Temples are only a 10 minute ride away
minibus US$25 and Tuk Tuk US$12/ day for area of Angkor
我就 book lonely planet 推介(budget): Shadow of Angkor
mini Van US $30 and Tuk Tuk US$12/day
3 人房 US$17-21.25/晚
網上推介tuk tuk 司機如下:1. 金沙木 他的中文(普通話),英文都很好,會讀,聽,寫。meassavuth@yahoo.com phone: +855 012 822 473。
2. tuk tuk driver refer by charmaine. 很細心,很有禮貌,英文亦講得不錯的司機 Mao: simmao2008@gmail.com Tel: (+855) 92-31-8626
3. http://www.wix.com/samreth/sophea_angkorwat
搭tuk tuk有點沙塵滾滾,或者考慮戴 mask
21-23/6 買3 day pass US$40
大吳哥城-吳哥窟-巴山看日落, 女王宮--班提色瑪寺--高布思?--洞里薩湖看日落
24/6 Reap->PP
入住Juliana hotel
A taxi to the airport from town is a bit cheaper, about $7.
1850-2230 返港