2008年12月25日 星期四

christmas in perth


今日成日係屋企上網.晚上去Hiromi sharehouse dinner.屋主煮咗餐好好味0既羊肉聖誕餐.


Perth 呢度聖誕無香港咁好氣氛,咁多燈熄,咁多人.有朋友打比我話,聖誕仲悶過平日,因為shop,餐廳唔開,搭車唔方便(班次好疏)....我預咗聖誕係自己sharehouse 過.無預可以係hiromi屋企食餐好,同收禮物.Better than expected!


2008年12月18日 星期四

christmas present


酒店housekeeping supervisor Bernie送0既聖誕咭同曲奇。
今日兩個同事sick咗。我地三個人做五個0既工作。Bernie對下屬好好。所以我今日推咗 nursing Agency0既工作(雖然0的肉痛,好pay嘛:醫院Aud$24/hr)
晚上同queenie去Leon/Jacaqline sharehouse食飯。

同兩個悉尼相識0既朋友再次一齊係柏斯開飯,好親切,好開心! (係悉尼YHA 0既飯局,係我最回味的)

2008年12月6日 星期六



今個星期感覺好好!因為住sharehouse有得上網,宜家仲可以打中文。有工作,有朋友。係Perth同舊朋友 Leon, Queenie, Daisuke,Biscuit見面聚聚.仲有新朋友.
今個星期好好彩。星期一至六都有工返。之前我覺得每日等Agency call,好憎.去醫院,做陪人0既工作,好悶.但宜家覺得有工作就好了.知足常樂.酒店同事又好。Quest Subiaco呢間酒店0既工作唔太辛苦.呢兩日開工時間,我地仲成班同事食早餐.我主要都係洗下厠所,吸下塵,鋪床.....簡單.今日收工,仲拎咗唔少執房0既剩餘物品返屋企.慳唔少.我係backpacker 嘛.


2008年12月1日 星期一

let's DEEN

 since i arrive in perth, every Monday I bring with my passport and visit DEEN which is located in aberdeen street opposite to bambu for free hot dog,beer and meeting friends.

a "pig chop" of "ID CHECK"

Staff in DEEN,sometimes he offered me extra sausage

our hot dog and salad

it's so good to be with friends cos sometimes we feel homesick,find hard getting a job,$.....

Though I live out of city now, i continue to come every Monday =)


adapting in perth

 I'm so glad that I can use internet in my sharehouse now. without internet, it's so boring!!!!No need to wait for computer in library as long as i stay here.Now I have my own room and own TV

sometimes i feel so bored and lonely that i want to give up: to change my flight and back to HK eariler.But when i am with friends e.g to Fremantle market with Weny yesterday or can use internet to chat with friends in HK, have work Then I feel much better


Guess what? today it's my first trial to do housekeeping in a hotel. People keep telling me that housekeeping is very tiring. Today i was lucky. My colleagues were nice and job's easy.

2008年11月23日 星期日

To new Home next week

 Yesterday no call from the nursing agency, no need to work. I spent my day in the library and chatted with Weny who is a lovely Taiwan girl.Both of us not so enjoy staying in Perth. Later we walked along the riverside, then i got a phone call from a sharehouse owner. We had a look at it. I like it and will move to the sharehouse next Sat. That's good I moved from Bambu to YHa, then to Grand Central Backpacker. Hopefully I can stay in the sharehouse till end of Dec.

Sometimes I feel bad becos in Perth:
1. no home: have to move from one hostel to the other hostel. it's so good that i found the sharehouse.

2. not many friends.Weny's the closest friend I have in Perth. I hope that she can move to the sharehouse later and hope that i can make more friends later.

3.internet: as i dont want to pay for the internet. i often go to library.sometimes have to wait for someone leave the pc then i can use. SHAREHOUSE has free internet 

4. no stable job: on call every day. just wait. go to different places.
    but at least i have job for $

5.sometimes travelling alone is lonely.Travelling can be tiring,have to plan.....but I want to surf, skydive, paraglide, kitesurf.....may try farm work later. now let me take some rest.

i may have made some wrong descision: joining expensive tour from darwin to Broome, buy the e-night package of yha, buying flight ticket too early etc--> less flexibilitly of trip. Say le V in French(That's life)Anyhow Let's see.

I look forward my FIRST stay in sharehouse(meeting new ppl--4 roommates, my own room with own TV, new experience.....)

2008年11月15日 星期六

Lost and Homesick

 a French friend called me before and told me that she felt lost,did not know what to do:stay in Perth,tired of travelling,$....I feel the same also.These days i look for sharehouse cos i book YHA till next Fri.seem don't know what to do.miss hong kong!!!! sydney give me a sense of home with a stable job and lots of friends.but in perth, i found that really miss home.i want to type in Chinese but i've not tried farm work and visited tasmania/Ulruru...I bought the flight ticket to Melbourne (15/1/2009) and Tasmania(21/1/2009) already.I planned to stay in Aus for 1 year. I wanna finish it.Just to express my feeling. I am alright I need some time to adjust.

Just give you a few words: "Add oil" & "Support you" That's all from Danny....
Big sister,    I miss you much too. You are "super" in my heart, i know you'll able to overcome all the difficulties. Stay strong and be confident. We all look forward to you showing us your wonderful life there. Jenny
yes, fion, i think you may need some time to adjust now , coz when you are in sydney or in hong kong, you used to have friends around, and you may already get used to the environment in sydney. now, everything is so new to you, new friends leave and other new friends comes, every one gets his way but what about yours? what should i do and what would i get from it ? It's just like life. making decision to unknown future and getting through the puzzled feeling, they are really not easy. but i'm sure you would grow up a lot after that and every thing you got now would be so valuable to you. add oil , fion!!  i also want to see your day of finishing it !!!  and i know you will !!!  be frank, i also miss you !   if you miss your family or us, remember the beautiful place you visited , bring your family or us there in the future la...!
於2008-11-16 09:41:00回覆
To jackie
thank your so much!!! that's what i need--hearing from u gals/guys

2008年11月13日 星期四

over a week in perth

 my 9th day here. i worked in hospital yesterday and will work in nursing home tomorrow.wanna try some jobs other than nursing.also i had a look at a sharehouse today.i like it but wonder if i can rent it.my italian and dutch friends are leaving coming this week.tai wan friend will move out of bambu hostel.i dont have many friends here.feel bored sometimes.

2008年11月7日 星期五

in perth

 it is my 3rd day in perth. i registered in nursing agency yesterday but have to wait for child criminal record check. i borrow computer from an italian now for free internet in bambu traveller lodge. use as much internet as i can today cos tomorrow move to yha. continue to find job tomorrow. 15 jan 2009 fly to melbourne. 21 jan fly to tasmania.not much to do when no work or internet. tonight going to meet hk backpacker friend and tomorrow meet my jap big brother. hope to find job soon and meet friends more often.

2008年10月30日 星期四

more to civilisation

 Thx for visiting my blog while i was away! Thank you very much for the birthday messages!!!

having stayed in the outback for some time and sometimes no shower or phone connection, i'm closer to civilisation now. today it's day 14 for our trip from broome to perth.too long for me. start to feel bored.I want to back to city soon. It's cold here!!!! Can't surf!!!! My two travel mates are taking good care of me. We have fun with our campervan tour.I'm now in Margaret River which is located in the southwest of Perth. The internet here is quick.As i have to pay for the internet, no photo upload at this moment.I will reach perth on 5/11/08 and plan to stay there for one to two  months.

2008年10月28日 星期二


 0係Mandurah 沙灘認識Bob,跟住去佢屋企.玩"Travel Australia"--佢同太太Diane設計0既Game.好高興認識佢地,好friendly,好客.

晚上入住Bunbury Caravan Park0係Mandurah 沙灘認識Bob,跟住去佢屋企.玩"Travel Australia"--佢同太太Diane設計0既Game.


晚上入住Bunbury Caravan Park

2008年10月6日 星期一

2008年10月5日 星期日

2008年9月28日 星期日

 day 167

Canoe up Katherine Gorge

Camp: Edith Falls

Day 168 Litchfield

Litchfield National Park
Florence Falls
Buley Rockholes
Wangi Falls
Upper Tolmer Falls
Upper Sandy Creek Falls
Meridian Termite Mounds

Album 1
Album 2
Album 3
Album 4
Album 5

2008年9月27日 星期六

2008年9月25日 星期四

Day 164 Kakadu

 參加 Wilderness 4WD Adventure 5 Day  Top End Explorer

Kakadu National Park

Private Crocodile and Wildlife Cruise on Corroboree Billabong which is part of the Mary River system

Bowali Visitor Centre
Ubirr Rock

Camp: Garnamar/Muirella Park Campground

2008年9月23日 星期二

day 162 Goodbye Sydney!!!

 這幾天我繼續好早起身6/7/8點.今日落雨,悉尼:你也不捨得我嗎?前兩晚如常到yha,同朋友farewell dinner(我farewell 咗咁多人,今次輪到我啦),繼續認識新0既朋友.新朋友Alice問:你就係傳說中0既Fion?哈!因為好多backpacker都問佢識唔識我.0係YHA 22人飯局我講過,"I remember every one of you."希望你地都記得我.

離開悉尼,一個我住咗五個幾月0既地方,真係好唔捨得呢度0既人同事.對於新0既旅程,黎緊0既體驗,好excited,好期待!.希望黎緊Darwin->Broome高温下喪行山wild camping團,我捱得住啦(日本長野沙巴神山之旅,我都行到死死下).係悉尼,學煮餸,學外語(主修英語,副修日語,國語.),離鄉別井,適應新環璄,家陣我係強化版0既Fion黎!哈!哈!哈!不過係悉尼,我同朋友住,有朋友照住.同埋悉尼同香港好似,講東話,多過講英文.離開悉尼,我真真正正on my own.從頭黎過,揾工,建立社交圈子,安排行程,黎緊要兼顧埋住.

另外我已經中咗Blog毒.Blog都寫三個:yahoo, xangamsn.係香港係悉尼,我都差唔多要日日上網.好鍾意同你地係msn/facebook chat.離開悉尼後,無咁多機會同你地網上contact.對我0既一大挑戰吧!我鍾意悉尼,因為似香港.我怕悶.寧願忙.但我想我會喜歡澳洲其他地方,呢度有長長0既沙灘,藍天白雲,大自然,友善0既人……謝謝大家的祝福!!!我會繼續去享受,同你地分享!!!!

2008年9月21日 星期日

Day 160 Barrenjoey lighthouse & Palm Beach


附近巴士站落車.沿Barrenjoey beach行去Lighthouse.Barrenjoey Headland同Lighthouse屬於Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park範圍.
逢星期日1100-1500 30min lighthouse guided tour $3.

俯瞰Palm Beach Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park

More Photos in facebook

2008年9月20日 星期六

Tips For Working Holiday Visa Holder to Aus

 根據個人同其他backpacker經驗,有以下推介同建議 :

申請YHA card,住宿/報團等有折.

做Farm Work,帶定睡袋,防蠅面紗同薄恤衫.

申請稅號Tax File No (TFN),想快就直接去稅局 Australian Taxation Office.網上申請,幾日至廿八日不等.知道稅號後,通知銀行
退稅可以揾agency幫手/自己上網搞/打去稅局叫佢寄份表仔填. 填自己係 resident,因為有幾千蚊免稅額.
開銀行戶口:我係Commonwealth Bank開咗兩個戶口.一個Streamline account,$4/month. 一個高息戶口NetBank Saver Account 7%厘息.

揾工:直接去酒樓/食肆/food court,通常都揾到工.可能會要你無錢/一半人工試工.另外可以揾Agency.我有份工係朋友介紹的.想係bar,考返個酒牌吧RSA: responsibility of selling alcohol.online course但不適用於NSW.NSW要係班房上堂
Try these agency:
Emer Buckingham 0439074484
 Staff Australia (Agency)


you can make free phone call to hong kong both mobile and landline

and your friends can send sms though internet cheaply, it's aout 0.3/ 0.6 per sms

and they can make a phone call to your mobile about $1/min

http://smspup.com Free sms to Aus mobile from internet

landline to landline/ mobile to mobile 
手提打1800 free call要收錢的. Landline打就免費
手提用Optus,因為最多backpacker.買咗sim card 要打電話或上網activate張咭.

Plan有四個 :

1.剛到步多用電話,可用Turbocharge Cap$30$150,credit只可以用三十日

2.多打比optus用戶Bigger & Better:最好,credit可以用60

3.我自己用Power Up:有免費短訊,多打比非optus用戶,credit可以用60

4. 應該唔需要Every Now & Then: credit可以用186.$30,你用唔到半年咁耐

Activate/recharge七日內,可以上網登記五個optus電話號碼for MyTime(自己人時間)
想轉plan,就用晒credit & recharge,打去客戶服務部.

嫌sharehouse上網慢,可以用library free wifi

地圖 Map http://www.whereis.com

我格過Flight Center, Student Flight同其他網頁,http://www.lastminute.com.au/home.html最平.
出發日子無所謂的話:登記 Jetstar promotional flight  or Virgin Blue 1200-1300 Happy Hour

Free Resources

想做 seasonal work 申請2nd( You must be no older than 30 when you apply for the visa) download http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/1263.pdf ,比張form 僱主填 / keep 起 pay slip,tax returns or employer references etc.

2008年9月19日 星期五

day 158 Farewell in GMH




97歲意大利伯伯呢幾都臥病在床,佢問我幾時返黎.叫我come back.佢話可能再見唔到我.如常請我食朱古力.今日下午佢會被送去醫院.真係好唔捨得佢地!!!!

2008年9月16日 星期二

Day 155 Royal National Park


Royal National Park 好大.今日行咗一小部份.由Central Station搭火車去 Cronulla Railway Square Station.再行去碼頭搭小輪去Bundeena.

水極清.首先行Heritage Walk

Coast Walk .由Gunyah Beach開始. Jibbon Beach無乜人,長長0既沙灘.
好多海洋生物.之後bushwalking,其中一段係長長0既沙路.地圖太簡單,我係靠少少指示牌,感覺兼問人先返得到碼頭.雖然見到遊客中心0既標誌,但係揾唔到個visitor centre囉.

reference link: http://www.visittheshire.com.au

晚上farewell daisuke 同Goro慶祝生日

More photos in facebook

2008年9月15日 星期一

day 154 Taronga Zoo

 尋日落雨,諗住今日唔方好天.咁去水族館啦.點知weather forcast準喎.見天氣咁好.同Big brother Daisuke去 Taronga Zoo.

同事 Skye 借張pass比我.免費遊動物園.




More Photos & Video in Facebook

2008年9月14日 星期日

In Broome

 it's my first time to pay for internet.things in Broome is damn expensive.after tomorrow staircase to moon, my friend and I plan to  rent a campervan to perth by 21 days. we will leave broome on 16/10/08.now i'm bitten by mosquitos in yha. broome is a small town.i enjoyed my 5 day kakadu tour but not the 9 day kimberly tour from darwin to broome. it's damn expensive, boring and hot.i love city!!!! i'm excited for new experience in campervan. hope it's nice!

day 153 中秋 & 韓國感恩節


去年中秋同一班outward bound朋友於日本山上渡過.今年一樣,同日本朋友,過異鄉中秋節,仲有韓國朋友Jun.

Big Brother Daisuke教我整pizza.



佢覺得我個名Siu Mei發音似燒賣,所以成日嗌我做

 今日係韓國Thanksgiving Day, Jun姐姐整咗應節食品.


佢地幾個都彈得下鋼琴同結他.第二次係屋企0既mini concert.飲飽食醉,不亦樂乎!