2019年12月7日 星期六

澳洲揾工, 面試

last update 30.10.2022

可能係香港揾護士工作, 太容易吧. 我宜家確實覺得係澳洲揾工有難度. 睇返 <小編來解答---工作好不好找?>, 家陣澳洲揾護士工作真係大不如前. 2017五月時遇到個菲律賓護士, 佢由Canberra 搬黎Brisbane, 因為係Sunshine Coast 揾到工, 佢話自己send 咗成百封求職信, 爭0的想上門叩門.邊度揾到工, 我就去邊度啦.

揾工方面: 如果你揾老人院工作, 比較易揾. Brisbane 好多醫院同Agency要求一年本地經驗. NSW同Victoria 相對容易. 

我知澳洲好著重 referencing. 幾年前朋友係澳洲 working holiday, 揾我做referee. 個澳洲nursing Agency打長途電話黎香港,問我野, 幾認真. 早前我係 seek.com見到 Nursing Agency HealthX post 有份醫院工,咪apply lor. HealthX 個staff 電話interview 咗兩次. 今日打比我, 話我 referee email 0既回覆太簡單. 澳洲求職要求寫0既野好鬼多. Referee 佢地通常要求係以前0既上司, 雖然我以前 NO, SRN都好好, 肯做我referee, 但希望快D 揾到工啦, 煩到佢地, 唔好意思.

另外揾工期間見到 ,澳洲護士人工可以睇下呢個表, 仲有大家關心0既人工 Queensland Health Nursing Wage Rates
Queensland , New South Wales人工較 Victoria 同 South Australia 高
醫院同老人院人工較 clinic 高

有間nursing agency interview 問題如下:
1. 7 rights (我答以前學0既3 check 5 right), 佢講多咗樣 right to refuse
2.  What would you do if a patient complain of chest pain
3. As a team leader
4. what motivate you as a nurse
5 what difficulty to expect

唔知係咪我表現差, agency 無晒聲氣. 其他agency 連in 0既機會都無, 因為有0的寫明要有一年澳洲nursing 經驗. 經過呢四星期 job hunting, 感覺 QLD  揾工最難, 好快被turn down, 或被要求好多文件. NSW 只係要求面試前要有 Working with Children Check . Victoria 感覺最易. 今日skype interview 咗 Melbourne 醫院, 題目如下:
1. 識用咩equipment . 知唔知wound suction unit
2. 對該醫院0既認識
3  chest pain scenario, TNG
4. surgical scenario, pt with open cholecystectomy, drop BP, increased drainage....fluid challenge, blood transfusion
5. preference of specialty
6 why apply to xx hospital
7 difference in practice between aus and hk
8. what support do u expect from us when you start to work
9. how to deal with difficult patient
10. how to deal with conflict with coworker
11. how u work in a team
12 how you handle a OSH issue
13. you work with a senior registered nurse. seem that she's not following the care plan and you did most of the work. what would you do
14, scenrio: At the same time 1. your manager asked to you to send to patient to radiology 2. a patient prone to fall 3 another patient complained of chest pain. What would you do
15. experience of making a difference of a patient

a healthscope hospital
3,how to deliver fall / hygiene guideline
4. If workload overload, how you manage it
5, What is the role of a RN
6,how to maintain the work life balance
7 how to manage the patient complaint

public hopsital Emergency Department
analphylaxis protocol

2 acfi
3 how u manage if u found a resident hurt
4 what is royal commission, acfi, accrediting standard, reportable and non reportable assault

Rehab Ward
1. why you apply for this position
2. how do you deal with conflict with colleagues
3 how would you deal with difficult patients e.g aggressive
4. what is role of rehab nurse
5 . Who involve in team meeting
6 who are involved in multidiscipinary team
7 what your education need
8 give an example of OHS hazard and how you deal with it
9 describe your work in a team

Royal Melbourne Hospital ward
分享下嗰個specialty 嘅經驗,
有冇處理covid cases 嘅經驗,
過去一年有冇做過乜contribute 到自己career pathway,
分享preceptorship 嘅經驗,
有咩strength & weaknesses
如果俾你揀一種super power, 會揀乜

7 則留言:

  1. Hi!謝謝妳分享唷

    對了 現在新的題目答案又回到 6 right (right to refuse)
    然後這篇可以讓我分享到我跟朋友FB 的公開群組嗎?
    AUS RN 24/7


  2. Fion, thanks for your detail sharing. I just obtained my nurse license. Plan to work a year later. Puzzling about the CPD/CNE points. Are these CPD websites free of charges?

  3. 作者已經移除這則留言。

    1. I just searched information online.there are courses available but i dun think it's worthy to pay as when u get hired, u learn while working. When some old age home really need staff, even I never use ACFI before , I got the job offer.
