PTE http://pearsonpte.com/ 電腦改卷. . 朋友老公肥4次 ielts ,亦一take pass PTE.亦有其他朋友有類似經驗.
PTE reference website:
PTE 考試經驗分享(新足跡)
PTE 79+ 考試歷程
2nd choice :OET 專for醫護人0既 Occupational English Test (OET) https://www.occupationalenglishtest.org/ 香港每個月都有得考,費用比 International Englsih Language Testing System (IELTS) 貴一倍,但比較易. 我考咗4次IELTS都肥, OET 一 take pass.其他人亦有類似經驗.
不過亦聽過朋友0既朋友, 肥OET(ccbb), pass IELTS(8887). 如果你想考 IELTS的話,我朋友建議報考 IDP https://www.idp.com/hongkong/ielts-hk,比British Council 好. 亦有人去泰國/台灣考 ielts.
合格成績為 OET 4 個 B 或 IELTS 4個 7 (我 IELTS speaking得 6, 但 OET speaking 攞 B).如果未能一take pass, 可以 combine半年0既成績, 但OET至少C, IELTS 至少6. 但注意combine 成績後, 過到 AHPRA 同ANMAC, 但你要計計自己申請移民夠唔夠分, 因為英文試一take 過, 起碼為申請visa 帶黎10分或以上.see
Australia Skilled Immigration Points Test Calculator
朋友指 OET 2.0 Listening同 Reading 都幾唔同
Tips for taking OET
1 Spelling for reading & writing DOES matter
NOT for listening
2 speaking 話唔考medical or nursing knowledge
it's not necessary for you to learn all diseases
BUT it's certainly a benefit for speaking somehow....
As you'll speak with more confidence & make the conversation more interactive!
我準備OET時間個幾月. 除咗做 test paper, 會上網睇下有關health 文章/video. 揾朋友幫我改文. 每日都會做 role play(有護士/教英文/英語比自己好0既幫忙,當然好啦. 無的話, 連我老公英文麻麻,我都會揾佢練.), 另外錄低,聽返自己有咩可改善.
9 apr 2016
My speaking scenario 1
setting: community health Fu.an elderly discharged from hospital after pneumonia.she live alone. Stay at home most of the time. 1.Assess her coping. Medication: Ab tid with meal, aspirin daily.
2 ask about exercise.refer physiotherapy if necessary
3 assess if she manage cooking, washing etc. Refer home help
Scenario 2
Hospital day ward
Pt will have surgery. GA NEED INTUBATION.She has nail polish
1. Ask when she fast
2. Ask allergies,denture, SOB, exercise, difficulty walking stairs, smoking
pt unwilling to remove denture, explain to her
3. Remove jewellery / glass/ contact lens
TELL risk of injuries and INTUBATION
Listening: contraceptives
7 oct 2017(朋友提供)
Listening is about tonsillitis n leukemia
Writing is different from the past paper
Writing a referral letter from a gp's nurse to a day surgery center for the arrangement of colonoscopy
Talking With a mother of 4year boy who is undergrowth in a clinic
Talking with an old man about his ulcer dressing during home visit
4 nov 2017(朋友提供)
Writing: Cellulitis with ulcer, ward nurse refer to clinic nurse for ulcer Mx
Speaking: 1) 有位男士knee受傷有wound,要說服佢停止exercise,同一d wound care
2) 有位老人家fracture左,教佢cast care,同要留意d乜咁
1. Extraction of worm, infection care
2. BPPV and postural vertigo, provides education
Listening: about HIV
13.1.2018 (網友提供)
1)同我2016 Scenario 2 相同
2) ask a man who lost weight and became weak in few months to consult doctor and make an appointment for hm
11.2.2018 (網友提供)
1) you are a nurse in school clinic, a student has fungal skin infection. Explain what is it and persuade her to tell to her parent. Suggests other treatment or management.
2) you are a community nurse, a patient has received the RT. Explain the side effects and reassure the cancer not to be permanent.
3. A man underwent a total hip surgery. Explain the care and the need to stay in rehabilitation hospital.
4n A man who are scheduled a hernia repair surgery two months later n I need to persuade him to stop smoking two months before the operation
1. A 28-yr old accountant newly diagnosed type 1 DM
Shocked abt the diagnosis
Explain DM
And teach her how to inject the insulin by herself
2 A man undergone surgery for #right humerous, worrying abt wound care and dressing change after discharge
3. 50/M, flashing light in right eye, attend A&E, worrying abt retinal detachment.... Want dr to attend
4 One is a burn in right hand hand during working and the other is abdominal pain and waiting long in emergency department (Brisbane test center)
Writing: (網友提供,另外一位網友話,呢條 writing 題目同佢當年0既試題好似)
Referral letter to dietitian
Patient was diagnosed with moderate-high risk for coronary heart disease
**patient came to health center.
Family hx: alzheimer’s disease
Father- diabetes
Mother- hypertension
Smoker(since 17, 25c/day)
Personal assistance-office work
Medical hx: Hypertension- minopril 20mg given 2x daily
Hyperlipidaemia- pravastatin 20mg at nocte
On examination: bp 140/70 suggestive of hypertension
High cholesterol
No regular exercise, no sports activity, no recreational activity
Obese BMI is 27
FBG ? - diabetes
Recommend to monitor diet
Encourage exercise program(walk x 30min x 5 times/week)
Weight loss(Ideal weight is 58kg BMI - 25)
Nsg Mgnt: recommend for FBG level tomorrow and local doctor to check results
Refer dietitan r/ diet, exercise, quit smoking.
Reading part A : MRSA
diabetes - self management and education
Hospital building - setting / planning
Part a : hypertension pt and his worries ( middle age)
B: radiotherapy
Listening part A: consultation for a patient with high blood glucose and cholesterol
Part B: trauma and fracture
Reading part B article 1: health care in remote and rural area
Article 2: the relationship between a kind of disease( scurvy) and Vit C
Writing: a 18-yr old boy who has experienced a chest trauma while playing football. I am the A&E nurse, write a letter to the surgical ward nurse and mention abt the boy’s history, clinical findings, treatment and care plan
1. Patient forgot to withhold warfarin before surgery
2. Baby with GERD
3 Pt after trauma
Y the nurse not assess her leg first
But check her vital sign
4.sunburn and skin cancer (Brisbane test centre)
5. Superficial burn(Brisbane test Centre)
Listening partA: dentist interview a woman who suffer from jaw pain
Writing: write a referral letter to cardiac rehab nurse for a woman who has undergone PCI
OET speaking 1, a patient with pacemaker done. Found blister at wound site, skin allergic to tape. Patient suspected that it is a wound infection and requested antibiotic, treating by using low allergic and none adhesive tap 2, a patient with type 2 DM, no regular blood sugar checking, complain of visual deterioration even wearing reading glasses. Suggest him to seek for medical assessment in case of any further visual deteriration 3, an elderly patient with venous ulcer, encouraging him to wear compression stocking to promote venous return and advance wound healing. The patient refused the stocking 4, an old lady with COPD. The nurse is talking to her husband to refer the client to nursing home 5, a home visit for wound management 6, teach a discharged patient how to perform self catheterization
blog 友 writing 報過OET online https://oetonline.net.au/
https://oetworkshop.com/ writing course ( teacher Jan).
https://www.e2language.com/ 網友讚 speaking course, 但 writing 麻麻.
Speaking 我揾Vikki 練,佢係英國人,英語教師.由於學生黎至世界各地,佢平時都係 Skype教學. instagram account @englishwithvikki
Youtube 有唔少 OET 有用資料.
第一次考 OET就上手
2016 OET 職業英文考試經驗分享(针對寫作
OET 寫作B (2016雪梨考塲)
OET 聽說讀寫準備篇
希望大家考完, 分享下你地0既 test questions. 祝一take pass!
Beeemay@gmail.com 請問可唔可以分享下寫作比我 我考極都唔過
回覆刪除你好,請問有沒有OET past paper要分享給我?我是nursing school畢業,發現要準備的功夫也不少,看見你的成功真的很鼓舞!祝福你有美好的新生活!
Hello 我也是從香港到墨爾本工作的護士
你好啊 Fion 請問有沒有OET past paper可以分享給我 我也想準備一下❤️
回覆刪除gmail please
刪除Listening 有MCQ 容易好多喎,真係好
回覆刪除Fion, 岩岩睇完你個blog, 我都準備緊考OET, 可否share past paper給我?謝謝
回覆刪除求Shared material , Thank heaps
你好。可以分享吓past paper 嗎?謝謝。
你好,我想問你當時是找誰幫你certify true copy?我找了jp但比唔到AHPRA要嘅requirement. 找了律師,佢話自己唔附合條件
回覆刪除My email : catherine_ng37@hotmail.com
你好。可以分享吓past paper 嗎?謝謝。
Thanks for your sharing. I am going to take the exam next month. Can I get more tits and notes from you? Please email me! Olavechi@hotmail.com
回覆刪除You are very great to share with all of us, highly appreciate. MI want to have oet materials. please email me fishmkt2046@gmail.com thanks a lot.
回覆刪除你好, Fion. 請問可以分享OET past paper給我嗎? 我也想試試去考.
回覆刪除My email: wongpaulinepy@gmail.com
Many thanks!
很久不見了 ^_^
身為 blog 友的也為妳高興
加油呀肥安 ^_^
好開心你留言呀!我久唔久都like 下你0既相,睇返香港0既相.雖然身在澳洲,仍然經常睇留意香港時事新聞.
刪除多謝你呀!初初適應時辛苦,宜家好享受呢度0既生活 =)
你好呀 請問可否將OET 試題/或其他有幫助的資料可以email 我?感謝
just read your message. got it?
刪除i think so Many thanks!
刪除請問可不可以也發OET pastpaper 給我?謝謝
你好~請問可發OET pastpaper 或有幫助的資料給我?🙇🏻🙇🏻
回覆刪除請問可否send OET past paper 俾我!
另外,想問EN 工作經驗可否計分?現在是RN ,讀緊master degree 謝謝!
Hello, 請問可否將OET 試題/或其他有幫助的資料可以email 我? Thank you!
回覆刪除i don't know your email
刪除Could you kindly share your past paper and information with me?
Should be maydulldull@gmail.com
刪除Hello there, I am preparing my OET. Although it is going to be 2.0 but the past paper is still worth trying !
回覆刪除Would you mind sending me some resources??
your gmail?
回覆刪除你好, 多導你的分享, 很詳盡,非常感激,我剛開始練習OET,請問可以分享學習資料給我嗎?謝謝!
Hello, can you forward a copy of OET past papers or material to me. Thank you.
Hello, 請問可分享OET past paper? Thanks.
hello, can you share OET past paper?
hello, can you share OST past paper?
您好,請問可以分享OET PAST PAPER 俾我嗎?my email is wawa19891202@hotmail.com 唔該你����
回覆刪除想請問OET past paper的資料
這是我的信箱: stacystay24@gmail.com,謝謝
想考OET,想操past paper,麻煩给我呀
hello, can you share OET past paper?
hello there
回覆刪除Do you mind sharing the past papers? =)
Hello Fion, could you share OET past papers and study materials with me, many thanks!
你好呀, Fion. 請問可以分享OET past paper給我嗎? 我也想準備去考. Thank you so much!
回覆刪除My email: yan11122013iris@gmail.com
回覆刪除Can you share the oet past paper with me?
My email: connie_wn5440@hotmail.com
Many thx
hello, can you share some OET past paper with me?
回覆刪除my email is derekcy0309@gmail.com
many thanks
回覆刪除請問可以分享OET past paper 給我嗎?麻煩曬
My e-mail: wingchan0508@gmail.com
回覆刪除Could you please share your past paper and learning materials with me?
My address is wickon@gmail.com
Thank you.
回覆刪除Could you please share OET past paper and learning materials with me?
My email is ilvbigbang@gmail.com
Thank you!
hi 師兄 我都prepare 緊oet, 可以分享一下pastpaprr 嗎? email: sinclairlawlee@gmail.com
回覆刪除Hi, thanks for your sharing.
回覆刪除I've just started my plan of getting a R.N. qualification in Australia.
May I ask if OET is easier than IELTS? But I found less materials for preparing OET in HK.
Could you please email some past papers and learning materials to me? Thanks!
My email: fsm328@yahoo.com.hk
Is it any age limitation if apply a R.N. in Australia? Actually I am not young.
Also, I am a psy nurse with both in-patients and community experience. I also have a general R.N.qualification but limited experience. Is it difficult to find a job in Australia?
Thanks very much for your attention.
ease maybe PTE, OET then IELTS most difficult
刪除no idea
depend on location and your specialty. i did not know HK nurse with psy background applying Aus RN
Thanks for your reply and sharing.
刪除Hi, thank you for sharing ~ I also want to prepare OET. Would you send the past paper to me?
回覆刪除My email: valerie21lam@gmail.com
Thank you
Thanks for your sharing. I am have my OET on August. May I ask you for the resources you have?thank you!
回覆刪除My email:bonnielaumt@gmail.com
Hi, as you suggested that PTE is the easiest, do you have any PTE materials? Please send to me and have a look?
My email: fsm328@yahoo.com.hk
回覆刪除Could you please kindly share the OET information to me ? My email:Christine_kuen@yahoo.com.hk
回覆刪除hiii~ i am having OET in August, may i have the OET resources. Many thanks!
回覆刪除Email: carman25_lo@yahoo.com.hk
May I have the OET resources. Thanks!
Hello! Thanks for your sharing. May I have the OET resources. Thanks!
回覆刪除Email: emilymoong56@gmail.com
Thanks so much for your sharing. May I have the OET resources, please. Thanks!
回覆刪除Email: cynthia021229@yahoo.com.hk
Hihi, I will have OET test later, can I have the OET resources? Many thanks!
回覆刪除Email: josephine_chiu03@yahoo.com.hk
請問可唔可以分享oet past paper ?
回覆刪除My email
Hello! Can you share the past paper as I am going prepare for the OET. My email is: hobson1617@hotmail.com
回覆刪除Many thanks!
Hello! your sharing is very useful! How's your life in Aus? I am looking forward the life in there too. I am going to take the OET exam next month, would you mind sharing me the pass paper? Thank you so much!
回覆刪除email: hoiris17@gmail.com
Thank so much for your sharing!
回覆刪除Would you share the OET past paper to me?
Email: chocoyupi923@gmail.com
請問可否分享OET past papers?我將會考OET. Thank you for your kindly help.
Hello! 搵緊護士移民資料想考OET, 睇左你個blog, 好詳細呀! 想要OET既passpaper同其他sources, my email: tszliing@gmail.com, 萬分感激
回覆刪除Can you share OET past papers please? Thanks in advance!
回覆刪除My email: lomiffy@gmail.com
請問可否分享OET past papers?
回覆刪除Thank you so much!
email: fiona2401@yahoo.com.hk
Excuse me, I would like to attend OET in the recent future, may you share the OET past paper with me? Thank you very much !
你好呀 請問可以share OET pass paper嗎? 多謝你嘅分享!email: yyc0204@gmail.com
回覆刪除你好呀 請問可以share OET pass paper嗎? 多謝你嘅分享!
回覆刪除email: irislws692gmail.com
Thanks a lot
Hello, may I get the OET past paper for doing revision? Many thanks! In between, how did you prepare for the listening test? Any tips also?
回覆刪除Email: amyip20466@yahoo.com.hk
Can you pls share the OET past paper to me? Thanks a lot !!
Would you send me the oet pastpaper ? Thank you so much!
Would you send me the oet pastpaper ? Thank you so much!
May I have some resources and past paper of OET ?
回覆刪除My email is jleung0717@hotmail.com
Thank you !!
hello, can you share some OET past paper with me?
回覆刪除my email is derekcy0309@gmail.com
many thanks
回覆刪除我都想要oet ge pastpaper
Hello! Can you share the past paper as I am going prepare for the OET. My email is: mark20002000@gmail.com
回覆刪除Many thanks!
回覆刪除Can u share the past paper with me??
Thanks a lot
email: vendetteddy@gmail.com
can you please share your past paper? Thanks a lot!
回覆刪除Email: alex1112@live.hk
請問可唔可以分享past paper
請問可以share OET pass paper嗎? 謝謝你的分享
回覆刪除Email: winnie03102@gmail.com
Many thanks
thank you so much for your sharing. Can u send me OET past papers to me?
回覆刪除Email: abcszelau@gmail.com
Many thanks
請問可唔可以分享past paper嗎
Many thanks
你好~請問可吾可以share OET pastpaper比我?
thank you very much <3
請問可唔可以分享past paper嗎
Many thankssss
請問可否分享past paper?
Can u share OET passpaper
Can u share OET passpaper
Can u share OET passpaper
Could u share OET passpaper to my email : wongchauhung@yahoo.com.hk ? Thanks a lot
回覆刪除Could u share OET passpaper to my email : wongchauhung@yahoo.com.hk ? Thanks a lot
回覆刪除Could you share OET paper?🙏🏼🙏🏼
could you please share OET past paper?Many thanks
Hello can you share OET past paper to me?
回覆刪除Many thanks!!
or a173880859@gmail.com
I have received your link la however I dont know how to open it...can you give me some hints?
刪除THank you very much!
just checked the link
刪除seem the person who uploaded the files ,removed them already
刪除you wanna try this
Hi, Fion, Would you please send me the OET past paper? A ton of thanks.
i dun own the link. seem the owner removed it already
刪除you wanna try this
hello , could u plz share OET past paper to me? my email: debbypsk@gmail.com .thz
回覆刪除Could u please share OET passpaper to my email: bowieyeung23@gmail.com ? I would be grateful if you can help🙏🏼 Thanks a lot!!